
Apollo Landscaping will accept applications from people with a positive attitude and an enjoyment of the outdoors.

Potential employees need to read this information so that you know what is expected and so that you apply only if this is a job that you believe will suit you. Please don’t apply unless you feel you will be able to work according to our expectations. You can apply to Apollo Landscaping through this website – see details below.

Apollo Landscaping employees can enjoy:

  • An equal opportunity employer
  • An hourly wage at competitive rates
  • Overtime that is paid for
  • A medical benefits package following your probationary period.
  • An employer who rewards your hard work and efforts - we have a bonus plan which you will be entitled to be a part of after your probation period
  • An employer who values your input, talents and strengths. We hold weekly productivity and safety meetings.
  • Opportunities to review your performance and skills – check in on yourself and ensure that you are doing the best you can do. If there are areas that you have the talents for and work that you enjoy, that is the direction you should be going in; we are open to discussing how to shape this job to you.
  • An employer who values you and encourages you to better yourself: there will be opportunities for training, professional development and to take on leadership roles if that is the right fit for you.
  • An employer who is flexible to employ full-time, part-time or casual employees. This is a job that can suit your long-term goals. If you are looking at being involved with our company long-term, we can encourage you to take on tasks that will provide you with the opportunities to take on more decision making and leadership skills. If you are looking for short-term work while completing education for a different career, we may work with you to make a schedule of work around your school timetable. Or, we may fit your work schedule around other commitments such as another part-time job.

At Apollo Landscaping we expect our employees to be representing our company in a professional manner at all times. We expect our products and services to be of a high standard and that our employees take pride in their work, utilising artistic talents and problem solving skills to get a great job done quickly.

Our clients are greeted with a smile and good manners. They need to be shown that we stand behind our work so that during the job and after the day is done, our customers are satisfied and comfortable within their properties.

We expect employees to be on time, efficient, well mannered and ready for work. We will not tolerate any bad habits – you need to be fit, healthy and able to operate machinery and do your best at all times while at work. This is physical work and you must have the strength and stamina to get through the day. We have a strict NO SMOKING policy.

If we contact you for an interview we will need to see proof of any relevant experience you have, a list of references and a copy of a recent driver’s abstract (which must be clean) – these are available from ICBC Driver Services. You must have a valid class 5 driver’s license and you must be bondable as we do background checks.

Once you have been interviewed, you may be invited to a "trial day" where we can see if you are able to follow directions and handle tools to complete tasks. If you claim you have experience or expertise, you will need to demonstrate that you are capable of utilising these skills on the job. We are interested in your ability to problem solve and to show initiative as well as be able to ask questions in order to get the job done correctly and well (to the client’s satisfaction). This day also serves as time for you to check us out and see if you would be a good fit for the company. At the end of this day, you will be able to report about your observations of the day, the job and your own performance. We also will provide you with feedback regarding your day.

If we and you are feeling that you could be a valuable worker for our company, after this day, we will get you to complete some paperwork and we can discuss ongoing employment with our company. Many jobs require you to work alone, so you will need to be confident to do so. On other jobs, you will be functioning as part of a team. You will review tasks and skills at the end of the first week and take part in ongoing evaluation.

We value people and want you to be able to find work that is fulfilling and fun. Life is for living! We know that success comes from finding employees who enjoy working in this field and we are committed to making this job one that works for you!


If you are interested in applying to work at Apollo Landscaping, please email us at employment@apollolandscaping.ca

  1. with your name in the subject line
  2. attach your resume
  3. include a list of references with their contact telephone numbers
  4. include a cover letter outlining:
    • why you think you would be a good fit for our company,
    • what skills and knowledge you have that may be relevant for a position with us
    • what days and times you are available for work
    • your contact details in case we want to invite you to an interview.